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Hi Celopeers,


is there a way to apply "finegrained" permissions for an application key onto a data model?

We want to enable a ML application to access a Data Model in a read-only manner. The application key should be able to query the data model, but nothing else.


The only way to grant access to a data model is to set the "Admin" Permission for that application key on the pool level. Thus, the application key has FULL access to EVERYTHING in this pool, and potentially access/edit/delete things it's not supposed to.


The "Use all Data Models" permission does nothing for the API as is only applies to analysts creating content so that they can link their assets to a DM.


Thank you for your help



Hello @maximilian.hoffm13 ,

Celonis has recently released a new feature called "Variable Admin Permissions". In summary, it allow you to split the role of admin into smaller roles (such as read-only for an Application Key).


"Historically the role of the administrator had complete control and wasn't configurable and only admins could access features within Team Settings. This results in a key person dependency that isn't scalable or secure for enterprise organisations. Eg - One person shouldn't have complete control end to end. This help page will tell you how you can configure Team Settings features differently by User.  

  • Changing what a user can access within Team Settings (Which menu items)
  • Configuring different levels of Admin role permissions.



"Application keys are user-independent API keys which can be created by Team Admins in the Team Settings. After an application has been created, permissions can be assigned to this application the same way as you would for normal users. "


FInd below more info



