I am using Augmented Attributes in a Knowledge Model to build a View App.
The A. Attribute is defined to have 4 possible values (dtype string) and it is meant to be updated manually by the end-user in the app to any of those 4 values.
It has a Default Value as well for all those cases where the end user did not manually updated the attribute (which happens frequently).
The problem comes when I want to use the "VALUE" field stored in the augmented table from the attribute in the Knowledge Model. I want to filter a chart based on the Attribute´s values (again stored in the VALUE field) and also define a KPI with a CASE WHEN logic based again in the value of the attribute.
When I do so, it just returns the rows or datapoints where the Attribute was manually updated, filtering out all the rows for which the default value should appear.
I have not found a way to include the default value in the PQL queries outputs that I desire, so that I do not get most rows filtered out when I use an Augmented Attribute.
Does anyone know how to tackle this issue?
Thank you very much!