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I am using Augmented Attributes in a Knowledge Model to build a View App. 

The A. Attribute is defined to have 4 possible values (dtype string) and it is meant to be updated manually by the end-user in the app to any of those 4 values.

It has a Default Value as well for all those cases where the end user did not manually updated the attribute (which happens frequently).


The problem comes when I want to use the "VALUE" field stored in the augmented table from the attribute in the Knowledge Model. I want to filter a chart based on the Attribute´s values (again stored in the VALUE field) and also define a KPI with a CASE WHEN logic based again in the value of the attribute.

When I do so, it just returns the rows or datapoints where the Attribute was manually updated, filtering out all the rows for which the default value should appear.


I have not found a way to include the default value in the PQL queries outputs that I desire, so that I do not get most rows filtered out when I use an Augmented Attribute.


Does anyone know how to tackle this issue?


Thank you very much!



Hi Javier,


we currently have the same topic in one of our use cases.

I think this can be solved with using PU Functions. I explain what I mean:


The record we have is the order number AFKO.AUFNR .

For this we have defined an augmented attribute, with only possible value „X“. The default is empty.


When I now show the VALUE field of the augmented attribute in a table, it shows only the values, where the value „X“ was set by an user. All other orders are not displayed. It is also not possible for me to set a filter on the orders where the value is initial, e.g. via something like VALUE IS NULL.


But it works, when I put it into a PU function.

E.g. In the table you can do PU_FIRST(AFKO, …VALUE). Then all orders are shown, either with VALUE being „X“ or NULL if not set by a user.

Same for the filter, where we put FILTER PU_FIRST(AFKO, …VALUE) IS NULL, and it shows all orders, where the augmented attribute was not set by a user.


You may check, if this works for you as well.

Maybe there is also a better way, but this seems to work.


BR Philipp



Hi Philipp,


thank you very much! that actually solved the problem :)


BR Javier
