Yes you can display the APC trend by Month, just change the created_at dimension to ROUND_MONTH( "tablename"."created_at"). Make sure to change the format to Year-Month, hope this helps.
the problem i am facing is the sum of size in bytes attribute adds the APC for each day and gives a huge number. how do i make it pick a value or provide an avg for a month which truly reflects the APC consumed.
Wouldn't max of the sum size solve your problem ?
Try using something like a moving max for this problem MOVING_MAX ( "Table1"."Column" , - 1 , 0 )
sharing this a bit late, but could help some others
I am using the below formula, and then you can change the date format to month, year, quarter etc...
SUM("data_consumption_events"."size_in_bytes") / 1000.0 / COUNT(DISTINCT "data_consumption_events"."id")