First of all, I needed to get data. I found a very nice dataset on . The dataset consists of multiple tables containing up-to-date F1 race data from the very first Grand Prix in 1950 until today. I created the tables in my Postgres database based on the schema information provided on the website, and dumped the csv files into it.
I dumped them into a relational database instead of uploading them directly to Snap because I needed to do some transformations before, for example, I wanted to create an eventlog, which is easiest in SQL. For this, I first had to decide: What is a Case? What is my Case Key? Which Activities do I have? After exploring the dataset a bit I decided to use the
-table as my case table. In this table, every row represents a result of a specific driver in a specific race. The case key consists of the race ID, the driver ID, and the car number. The latter one is required because in the early days, some drivers started the race in one car and changed the car mid-race, meaning that they have two results-entries for a specific race, which alone would not be a unique case identifier.The Activities should represent how the corresponding race weekend looked like: The current F1 race weekend format contains practice sessions (which are not in the data, so I didnt care about them), a qualifying consisting of 3 sessions, where a driver advances to the next session if hes fast enough, as well as the race itself. So by looking at the qualifying times I determined in which qualifying sessions the driver took part in, so later in the Process Explorer, I would be able to see if a driver usually makes it to the third round of qualifying, or if he usually doesnt advance, or if there was a race weekend where he didnt post a time in qualifying at all. Based on that I created the eventlog as a view in SQL (postgres syntax) :
CREATE VIEW _cel_f1_activities AS
SELECT activities._case_id,
FROM ( SELECT concat(r.driverid, r.number, r.raceid) AS _case_id,
'Qualifying 1'::text AS activity,
(( SELECT to_timestamp( || ''::text, 'YYYY-MM-DD FMHH24:FMMI:FMSS'::text)::timestamp without time zone AS to_timestamp
FROM races
WHERE races.raceid = r.raceid)) - '1 day'::interval AS eventtime,
1 AS sorting
FROM results r
FROM qualifying q
WHERE r.raceid = q.raceid AND r.driverid = q.driverid AND q.q1 IS NOT NULL AND q.q1::text <> '\\N'::text))
SELECT concat(r.driverid, r.number, r.raceid) AS _case_id,
'Qualifying 2'::text AS activity,
(( SELECT to_timestamp( || ''::text, 'YYYY-MM-DD FMHH24:FMMI:FMSS'::text)::timestamp without time zone AS to_timestamp
FROM races
WHERE races.raceid = r.raceid)) - '1 day'::interval AS eventtime,
2 AS sorting
FROM results r
FROM qualifying q
WHERE r.raceid = q.raceid AND r.driverid = q.driverid AND q.q2 IS NOT NULL AND q.q2::text <> '\\N'::text))
SELECT concat(r.driverid, r.number, r.raceid) AS _case_id,
'Qualifying 3'::text AS activity,
(( SELECT to_timestamp( || ''::text, 'YYYY-MM-DD FMHH24:FMMI:FMSS'::text)::timestamp without time zone AS to_timestamp
FROM races
WHERE races.raceid = r.raceid)) - '1 day'::interval AS eventtime,
3 AS sorting
FROM results r
FROM qualifying q
WHERE r.raceid = q.raceid AND r.driverid = q.driverid AND q.q3 IS NOT NULL AND q.q3::text <> '\\N'::text))
SELECT concat(r.driverid, r.number, r.raceid) AS _case_id,
'Race'::text AS activity,
( SELECT to_timestamp(
WHEN races."time" IS NOT NULL THEN ( || ' '::text) || races."time"
ELSE || ''::text
END, 'YYYY-MM-DD FMHH24:FMMI:FMSS'::text)::timestamp without time zone AS to_timestamp
FROM races
WHERE races.raceid = r.raceid) AS eventtime,
4 AS sorting
FROM results r) activities
ORDER BY activities._case_id, activities.eventtime, activities.sorting;
I created a couple of other views, for example views that add the case key column to some tables (including the Case table
itself), and for some time(stamp) conversions.I exported all views (and all tables that I didnt change, i.e. where I didnt add a view) by executing
SELECT * FROM table_or_view
and storing the result in a csv file.In Celonis Snap, I created a new Data Pool in Event Collection, and uploaded all the files I created. I created a new Data Model, added the uploaded tables to it, and set alias names for all tables. Then I connected all tables based on their foreign key relationship. This is how my Data Model finally looks like:
kubica-datamodel.png2064703 68.6 KB
After a successful Data Model load, it was time to create a new Workspace and a new Analysis inside it. When building the Analysis, I first needed to explore all the columns and information the dataset provides in order to come up with some ideas about what to show in the Analysis. However, I didnt have to care about joins anymore, which made it very easy to quickly build some nice charts and display some interesting Kubica Performance Indicators (KPIs) already.
As the Process Analytics functionality is not restricted in any way in Celonis Snap, I could use all the features of the IBC enterprise version here!
So if you want to analyze your favorite sports, sign up for Celonis Snap, find a nice dataset, setup a database, use SQL to generate your eventlog, and then upload everything to Celonis Snap. As soon as your Data Model is ready, you can add many nice charts to your analysis. You can also invite friends and colleagues to collaborate, and you can share a public viewer link with the world.
Now, theres only one thing left to say: Keep racing!