Hi Laura,
you are able to create a chart like this in Celonis. However, I would like to understand your Use Case a little bit more to give advice on how it works technically. What information are you trying to display?
Hi @kevin.flesc ,
the y-axis shows the average throughput time of my cases. I now want to group the cases on the x-axis. Until now, I could only display the cases individually. The grouping should happen according to the percentage distribution of the cases according to the corresponding lead time.
I hope it will be more helpful for you.
Within the Studio, you are able to create a view. As part of this view you can create a Grouped Bar Chart which is the visualization you are looking for. You can configure this in YAML or the visual editor. Here you find more information: https://help.celonis.cloud/help/display/CIBC/Chart#Chart-StackedCharts.

Unfortunately, I am not able to open the link. Instead of YAML, would you have a PQL or Visual editor example for the grouping for me?
Hi Laura,
unfortunately this is only possible with views & YAML I believe. Maybe @david.beche12 knows a workaround however?
Hello @schauer.schau ,
you can do it in PQL.
1 Add a column chart
2 Add as dimension the %percentage (probably with a CASE WHEN to group them)
3 Add 3 KPIs. Each KPI will be represented as a column. The key is to use a CASE WHEN formula here for each type (standard, Elek Unterschrift, Telefonpilot) like
Standard KPI
when "table"."type" = 'Standard' then 1.0
else 0.0
Telefonpilot KPI
when "table"."type" = 'Telefonpilot' then 1.0
else 0.0
and so on
Note that this would only fit these 3 types. If you might have additional types in the future, but less relevant, you might want to add another column to aggregate the others
Others KPI
when "table"."type" not in ('Telefonpilot',''Standard,'Elek Unterschrift') then 1.0
else 0.0

Hello @gabriel.okaba11 ,
thanks for your tip. exactly step 2 is the problem for me. I have cases with a corresponding number and I want to group them by percentage according to the throughput time. How do I get this as code in Dimensions?
Obviously I can't group the individual numbers manually.
For example, I want to know that 50% of the cases have a lead time of 20 days. and grouping the percentage cases is just my problem.