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I want to be able to get the username of someone that executes a skill and update an augmented attribute with the username. In Knowledge Model, I created a KPI with the PQL formula - USER_NAME(). This works fine in the knowledge model and returns the user. However, in action flow when I use Get Rows to get the KPI, it returns Unknown User. Does anyone have an idea why this is the case or perhaps any other idea to achieve what I want?

Key thing here is to ensure that the USER_NAME() is defined as an attribute within the relevant Record, this can then be passed to the Action Flow as an input.


GetRows will show as unknown because the knowledge model is essentially overlaying on the data model and therefore at the time the action flow runs, it is not the end user who is operating the GetRows component, they have triggered via an action button so we need to capture the information at this point in time.


Hope that helps
