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We have a scenario where records can be created/deleted in source system multiple times.
We are currently using the replication cockpit for extracting changes, but for deleted records we do not get the full information of the deleted records, we only get the primary key of the table and a change indicator = ‘D’ (Deleted) and we would like to know what the values of all the attributes for the specific records were prior to the deletion. 

We have located the following staging tables and views:

  • _CELONIS_TMP_{TableName}_NEW_DATA 
  • {TableName}_DELETED_DATA

Unfortunately, it seems like the _CELONIS_TMP_{TableName}_NEW_DATA table only includes records with change indicator = ‘U’ (Updates) and not change indicator = ‘I’ (Inserts). 
This makes it difficult for us to map what the historical values were, if we have both inserts and deletions within the same execution of the replication cockpit.

Does anyone know of a staging table for inserts we can use, before they are inserted into the actual table or have a another solution for a similar problem?

Kind regards

According to Celonis Service Desk, deleted and inserted records can be located within the staging tables.
However, attributes of records that were inserted and later deleted within the same execution time window, cannot be replicated in Celonis.
