Hi Prasanth, it depends on what exactly you want to achieve.
In Celonis, two tables can only be joined when they have a common table. If no common table exists between all tables used in the query, you will encounter the exact “No common table could be found” error that you’re seeing.
The reason for this is that your tables “LINK”] and I“JS_PGT_Resolved”] are both fact tables, meaning they are both on the N-side of the join graph. Celonis enforces an acyclic join graph, so there is only one valid join path between any two connected tables. More info here.
To resolve this issue, I suggest you PULL UP the column from the fact table “JS_PGT_Resolved” into the dimension table “SUPPORTCASE”. This ensures that "SUPPORTCASE" has a 1:N relationship with "LINK", making it possible to query both tables together.
For example, if you want to count "LINK"."<column_name>" but only when "JS_PGT_Resolved"."<column_name>" is not null, you could use:
THEN "LINK"."<column_name>"
- PU_FIRST("SUPPORTCASE", "JS_PGT_Resolved"."<column_name>"): this pulls the first non-null value of "JS_PGT_Resolved"."<column_name>" into "SUPPORTCASE" → More info on pull-up functions here
Hope this helps!
Hi Sakura, still am getting the same error