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Hi, thank you for dropping by this topic.
Im trying to use KPI Format as Start of MOVING_SUM.
MOVING_SUM(COUNT_TABLE("_CEL_SD_ACTIVITIES_CASES"), KPI("Number of process variants") *-1,0)
This KPI returns me an error: that start parameter should be an integer, which I firmly believe I am giving it integer. Using COUNT DISTINCT instead has not solved this situation btw.
This should show the same result as the formula below.

KPI(Number of process variants) *-1

Solved, when you use variant.
Hi Fidy,
Youre using -1 in your answer. Is this correct or should it be a positive 1?

Hi joosbuijs,

-1 is actually correct usage, if you want to start accumulating the sum one number before, you may give -1 to the second variant.

I want to achieve in a line chart the gradual accumulation as the line goes to the right side, that is why I need to have SUM from negative numbers of starting point.
