I have the following problem
I have two tables
Table 1: EBAN -> Content 50 Purchase Order Requisitions (PRs) where 40 already have a created PO
Table 2: EKPO -> Content 40 Purchase Order (POs) with key connection to the PRs above.
Now I have created an OLAP with two KPIs
- #PRs
- #POs
When I just show the KPI #PRs the number is 50 (which is correct).
When I display both KPIs (#PRs and #POs) the number ist just 40 because the EKPO for that PR is NULL.
Is there any chance to show both KPIs in one OLAP but with the correct number
#PRs 50
#POs 40
I use the Celonis on Prem version.
Many thanks and br