No option to do it with Celonis out-of-box features. Only option is Regex on PDFs with searchable text (I would not recommend it at all), or AI/image recogniztion option with Python (ML workbench)/RPA vendors (UiPath could definitely do it). Once the information is retrieved, pushing it to Celonis via API is piece of cake.
I am thinking of UIpath solution to connect to website and extract data. Can you share information on the last part "Once the information is retrieved, pushing it to celonis via API" how we can do it
Two seconds of googling would bring you multiple results...
Link 1 Data push API: Getting Started (
Link 2 PyCelonis: Data Upload - PyCelonis
Maybe you can get away with some open source projects like: invoice2data · PyPI - It's much simpler to try to use it than setting up whole infrastructure and building robots in RPA frameworks like REF (Robotic Enterprise Framework) as it's pricey.
If you even didn't know about those options, probably you'll need some technological support (devs/tech leads), as those topics are tricky and require a lot of tech know-how (not only on writing code, but on general architecture, and maintenance).
Mark as best answer if that helped.
Best Regards,
Mateusz Dudek