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Hi Team,

I have a scenario in AR, I need to derive a new activity in AR, which should tell us the payment made by the customer is Over/Short/Exact Payment.

Im checking in BSEG table, by taking BELNR and the corresponding WRBTR but not sure how to match the Invoice amount to paid amount.

Suggest me a possible way to match the Invoice & Paid amount.



Hi @chanti.p,


this is a comparison rather then an activity creation in my opinion. I would use CASE WHEN to compare the paid amount to the to-be paid amount. Something like this should work to classify each case: CASE WHEN paid amount = to-be paid THEN 'Exact' WHEN paid amount > to-be paid THEN 'Short' ... ELSE... END




Hi Chanti,

This is not as straightforward as it seems.

You could match invoices with clearing documents using BSEG.AUGBL and BSEG.BELNR (with BSEG.KOART = 'D').

To identify these 3 scenarios would be basically comparing the WRBTR values. It gets tricky when Payments are not correctly linked to the invoices (which is a very common issue).



