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How to count loops / match process of similar but not the same activities?


i'd like to count how often cases circle in "waiting" activities. Specificly: How often do cases go from a node like %WAITING% directly to a node like %WAITING% - excluding the source node as target node.

  1. Problem: My solution SUM(MATCH_PROCESS(...)) doesn't count multiple waiting loops occurring within the same process but only processes with a waiting loop.
  2. Problem: I have no idea how to exclude the source node from the target nodes as both work with the same wildcard.


I'm curious for any suggestions for a solution :)

Level 5

Hello @sören.krupk , do you mind elaborate further on "process of similar but not the same activities"? Sorry might answer your question but curious how do you define them.

Hello Sören,

Can you please elaborate on your question?

How do you define if an activity is waiting?

Also, does variable- %WAITING% corresponds to an activity?


I think that you should use CASE WHEN structure.


WHEN Activity A --> Activity B THEN 1



For writing Activity A --> Activtiy B, you can go to visual editor and choose Process flow selection.

You also should take care of whether the activity is start or end activiy and also activities are subsequent or not.



teuku.faruq13 wrote:

Hello @sören.krupk , do you mind elaborate further on "process of similar but not the same activities"? Sorry might answer your question but curious how do you define them.

Similar is definied by activities having similar names, in this example i want to count the number of times activities containing the word "WAITING" are following each other. e.g. Activity "WAITING FOR HANDLING" -> "WAITING FOR LOADING" (there are many more waiting activities).

But i don't want to count loops of the same activity, because e.g. "WAITING FOR HANDLING" -> "WAITING FOR HANDLING" would likely be a measuring error in my dataset.

zeliha.otgöz wrote:

Hello Sören,

Can you please elaborate on your question?

How do you define if an activity is waiting?

Also, does variable- %WAITING% corresponds to an activity?


I think that you should use CASE WHEN structure.


WHEN Activity A --> Activity B THEN 1



For writing Activity A --> Activtiy B, you can go to visual editor and choose Process flow selection.

You also should take care of whether the activity is start or end activiy and also activities are subsequent or not.



%WAITING% isn't a variable but simply the word "waiting" between wildcards. I identify waiting activities by their name, as there are many activities like "WAITING FOR LOADING", "WAITING FOR HANDLING" etc.

So I can't use the process flow selection because I don't analyse the process of two distinct activities, but I want a KPI for how often different processes (waiting to waiting, without loops of the same activity) appear.

Still testing if the exact behaiviour is fitting for me, but apparently my problem is called "PingPong" :D


Ping Pong Cases - Celonis Intelligent Business Cloud - Help Space - Celonis Cloud Help

I know this is an old topic. But incase its not solved yet, then I would suggest that you use match_process in combination with case when.

For eg:

Case when ActivityTable.Activity= "wait for loading"

Then Sum(Match_process ...) ...


This way you split different waiting activities when counting loops.
