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In one system I have two processes with two number logics. First one is called S_ID and shows Process A ("From Receiving Technical data to releasing technical data for invoicing". 2nd one is called "L_ID" and shows process B "Creating data set to invoice sent"


If data has status 4 in the system, the data has been transformed from process a to process b and every s_id is combined with a L_id.


I checked with a table if ir possible to see status4, s_id and L-id in one table and cheked in the source system if the data is correct- it is.


In the Data model I created two activity tables and zwo cases tables, one with S_ID logic, the other one with L_id logic.


The last step should be to combine the data so the customer is able to see the whole process from receiveing the technical data to invoice sent.


I tried it with this script, and I know it is not correct yet:


case when

"TableS_id"."STATUS"= 4


Bind("TableS_id", PU_first("BridgeTable","TableL_id"."L_ID"))



Pu_first ("BridgeTable","TableS_id"."S_ID"))



Could anyone support and show me how to combine two number logics to have one process, please?

Hmmm... but I guess you will have the same case_key in both case tables? I mean, a certain case goes thru process A, then moves into process B.... right? So then you could collapse both case tables and have one single one...and you could also have one single actiity table...


That is one idea.


the other depends if both case_tables have a relationship, and the direction (1:n or n:1)


Anyway sounds a bit odd your scenario... it seems either you should have a single case and activity tables, or that you have a multieventlog scenario (and then you can either approach using multieventlog or, if you have access, to move to OCPM)


