In one system I have two processes with two number logics. First one is called S_ID and shows Process A ("From Receiving Technical data to releasing technical data for invoicing". 2nd one is called "L_ID" and shows process B "Creating data set to invoice sent"
If data has status 4 in the system, the data has been transformed from process a to process b and every s_id is combined with a L_id.
I checked with a table if ir possible to see status4, s_id and L-id in one table and cheked in the source system if the data is correct- it is.
In the Data model I created two activity tables and zwo cases tables, one with S_ID logic, the other one with L_id logic.
The last step should be to combine the data so the customer is able to see the whole process from receiveing the technical data to invoice sent.
I tried it with this script, and I know it is not correct yet:
case when
"TableS_id"."STATUS"= 4
Bind("TableS_id", PU_first("BridgeTable","TableL_id"."L_ID"))
Pu_first ("BridgeTable","TableS_id"."S_ID"))
Could anyone support and show me how to combine two number logics to have one process, please?