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I have a complex knowledge model (customized AR knowledge model from the marketplace) which has several KPIs pre-defined. I want to make an action flow using one of these KPIs with the query data module. The issue is that I cannot reference the KPI like KPI("KPI_INVOICE_CALC_PAID_ON_TIME_RATE") in the AF and since the original KPI formula is also referencing other KPIs it is not possible to get the raw code and insert that instead. Is there any workaround to easily use KPIs in action flow that are defined in the knowledge model?


Thank you for your help!



Hallo there,


I tried to do the same with the result Celonis response was, that it is not possible, yet. That was a couple of month ago. I requested this to the Celonis dev. team to develop as in my opinion this is a key feature of knowledge model structure. However, I haven't heart anything from my request so far.


Sorry for the unsatisfactory answer.



