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HAs anyone tried moving Data ingestion and transformation out side Celonis like in Azure DB or Google Big Query?and what is the Pros and Cons in this approach

Hi @ramanathan.iyer  we moved entire data transformation outside celonis & working smoothly without any error. This will save your APC consumption if you are creating multiple temp tables & only extract required data into Celonis. another benefit point is we saved Celonis Analyst licence cost. Here only admin will setup entire Data pool part and hardly a days job. Cons are dependent on case to case basis.

my advise you have full control on data and transformation.

Many Thanks Rohit. the other cons are

  1. Failure point increases as we add data pond layer
  2. Change to the starter kit needs to be re-modified


was thinking on use cases when to use data pond

Hi @Rohit Pratapwar, may I ask what database solution you used for this? Thank you !
