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I have an ACTIVITIES table where I am trying to calculate the time (in hours) between each OPERATION. The way it is set right now, I have CASE_KEY and for each CASE_KEY, there can be 1 to N operations. What I am trying to do is to calculate the time difference between each unique operation (for ex: for operation 0100 to 1000 the difference is 10 hours, for operation 1000 to 2000 the difference is 15 hours..etc) So I was able to utilize HOURS_BETWEEN and using SOURCE and TARGET, I was able to calculate the hours. What I have a column that indicates Operation start and Operation end. Based on that I am able to calculate the HOURS BETWEEN Operation by using End as SOURCE and Start as TARGET. The problem I run into is when there is an operation starting within an operation. So for ex: Operation 0100 starts, then right after Operation 1000 starts followed by Operation 1000 end and then after Operation 0100 end. Given how I am using Source and Target at the moment, it is definitely skewing the hours calculated for such cases. I have attached the image where I circled such case. How would I compute the HOURS_BETWEEN such operation accurately? It does NOT have to be using Source and Target but that's what I got it to work. Would appreciate any feedback.WrongNums2

Here is one of the way(DATEDIFF) to calculate time between two "Short Act" in my case activity 'Extraction Start' and 'Extraction End'. Below logic calculates in minutes.


DATEDIFF (mi, PU_FIRST ( "replication_executions", "replication_execution_events"."timestamp", "replication_execution_events"."activity" = 'Extraction start', ORDER BY "replication_execution_events"."timestamp" ), PU_FIRST ( "replication_executions", "replication_execution_events"."timestamp", "replication_execution_events"."activity" = 'Extraction end', ORDER BY "replication_execution_events"."timestamp" ))
