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Is it possible to retrieve data from Datapool tables into Pycelonis?

Hi Team,

I am trying to retrieve the data received from the data connection in a table to machine learning workbench to do some manipulations and write it to another table in datapool.

Is it possible?

I have tried so far .


data_pool = c.data_integration.get_data_pools().find(<pool name>)

a=data_pool.get_job(<job id>)

b=data_pool.get_table(data_source_id=<sourceid> name=<table name>)


But from here i am unable to get the function get_data_frame.

Is there any other way?

Please let me know.

Thank you

Hi Rahul,


it is not possible to get data from a data pool directly. You have to get it from the data model for which you can use SaolaPy as described here:

Hi Simon,

Thank you for your reply. I was looking for it everywhere.

Atleast now i have to look for a way to do this.

Thank you

